Common Issues


Relationship Issues

Relationship issues don't always have to be in the romantic sense. A relationship is an interaction and bond built between people. There may be issues with a partner, specific family members, friends, or colleagues at work. At FeelHeard, you have the space,understanding, and are allowed the time to offload without being judged so you can feel guided to make up your mind and decide for yourself the best action to take in your situation.

Life Stressors

Life stressors are normal but are not nice to go through. These can include pressures of day-to-day life like juggling work and children/ family commitments, taking care of sick or elderly relatives, paying bills/ debt issues, impacts of COVID and Lockdown/ Isolating, and finding working/ losing jobs/ redundancies. EVERYBODY goes through something, and EVERYBODY needs some form of emotional support. At FeelHeard, your issues, no matter what the circumstances, are kept confidential, and you are respected. You will be given the space to speak so it can help you maintain your ability to solve your problems and remain resilient throughout your trying times. In addition, you will have someone by your side to help you to stay hopeful and optimistic. Through these 'opportunities' to grow you'll learn something new about yourself and how best to continue to plough forward.

Major Life Events

Some of life's issues take a little longer to process and accept; they need time and patience to accept, heal from and overcome. Death, divorce/ moving house, terminal illnesses are just some of life's upheavals that need to be talked about to help you feel supported. Nobody wants to carry the burdens of the past; FeelHeard can become the consistent place where you can slowly 'unpick' buried emotional knots and feel the relief of facing fears that can hold people back. Remember, 'Don't let your past define you.


Befriending Service

Maybe you need a friend or someone to talk to and feel connected with regularly. A regular, consistent, stable person to talk to can help you feel accepted for exactly who you are. No more rejection and abandonment. 'Sometimes you just need that one person at the right time.'